Portale SIVA sulle tecnologie per la disabilità e l'autonomia Portale SIVA sulle tecnologie per la disabilità e l'autonomia Don Carlo Gnocchi Onlus Foundation

ASSET - Individual ASSessment of Environmental facilitators: assistive Technology and ambient assisted living

Record number: 510
Last update: September 2022
Type of document: Projects
Funding body: Ministero della Salute
Partners: Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi ONLUS
Year of publication: 2016
Project start date: 01/01/2016
Project end date: 31/12/2017
Project state: Ended
F.d.G. Team: CITT: Andrich Renzo (Responsabile), Claudia Salatino, Lucia Pigini, Valerio Gower
Study funded by the Ministry of Health within the Current Research IRCCS. The primary objective of this research is to develop a protocol of individualized evaluation of prosthetic interventions (assistigve devices and environmental adaptations) suitable to be implemented in the rehabilitation paths. The focus is therefore on the feasibility, effectiveness and sustainability of the protocol. This will be achieved through an intermediate objective, which is that of the experimental measure of the quality of the assessment path on the sample recruited.
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Info updated 28/06/2024 | Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi Onlus - P.IVA 12520870150 | E-mail: portale@siva.it | Terms of use