Portale SIVA sulle tecnologie per la disabilità e l'autonomia Portale SIVA sulle tecnologie per la disabilità e l'autonomia Don Carlo Gnocchi Onlus Foundation

Assistive Technology for Arm Mobility in Europe - A guide for greater autonomy, created by and for users, organisations, and healthcare professionals

Record number: 542
Last update: September 2024
Type of document: Manuals or books
Author: AA.VV.
Editorial data: ORTHOPUS
Year of publication: 2024
Although wheelchairs rather than walkers or other aids related to mobility or overcoming architectural barriers have entered the collective imagination as tools for the independence and autonomy of people with disabilities there are other technological solutions and products that, probably in an equally significant and effective way, they help to support, consolidate or extend the execution of specific daily activities that allow the improvement of the quality of life. These include devices, even wearables, that assist people in moving an arm or using a hand completely. Tools still not very common on the market and largely unknown to the world of disability, as well as unfortunately also by many rehabilitation workers, who require knowledge, an interdisciplinary approach, assessment and adoption in the face of the different skills required (physical physician and neurologist, rehabilitation therapist, occupational therapist, educator, caregiver and end user). This guide has been co-written by healthcare professionals, associations, equipment installers and researchers aims to provide the foundation on this topic.
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