Portale SIVA sulle tecnologie per la disabilità e l'autonomia Portale SIVA sulle tecnologie per la disabilità e l'autonomia Don Carlo Gnocchi Onlus Foundation

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Documents found: 22

Commissione Europea
CERTAIN - Cost-Effective rehabilitation technology through appropriate indicators
Partners: Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi ONLUS
Abstract: Project funded by the European Commission within the framework of DGXIII (Directorate General Telecommunications, Information Market and Exploitation of Research). Demonstration of..
Year of publication: 1995
Type of document: Projects
Last update: September 2022
Project state: Ended
Commissione Europea
CLOUD4All - Cloud platforms Lead to Open and Universal access for people with Disabilities and for All
Partners: Fundosa Technosite S.A. Spain (capofila), Raising the Floor – International. Switzerland (coordinatore tecnico), Centre for Research - Technology Hellas Greece, Philips Consumer Lifestyle The..
Abstract: Project funded by the European Commission, under the 7th framework programme-ICT-2011-7. The objective of the CLOUD4All project is the development of an infrastructure, based on cloud-computing,..
Year of publication: 2011
Type of document: Projects
Last update: September 2022
Project state: Ended
Commissione Europea
DECI - Digital Environment for Cognitive Inclusion
Partners: Fondazione Politecnico di Milano, Italy (Project leader), Consoft Sistemi S.p.A., Italy, Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi Onlus, Italy, Chalmers Tekniska Hoegskola, Sweden, Vastra Gotalands Lans..
Abstract: DECI is a research project funded by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 PHC-20-2014 programme, with the ultimate goal to design and demonstrate the value of feasible interventions on..
Year of publication: 2015
Type of document: Projects
Last update: September 2022
Project state: Ended
Commissione Europea
Eastin CL - Crosslingual and multimodal search in a portal for support of assisted living
Partners: Linguatec, Monaco, Germania (project leader), Tilde, Riga, Lettonia, Danish Centre for Assistive Technology, Danimarca, IW/Rehadat, Colonia, Germania, Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi Onlus, Milano,..
Abstract: The Eastin CL project, funded by the European Commission under the ICT Policy Support programme, was aimed at improving the usability of the existing EASTIN portal, the european portal on Assistive..
Year of publication: 2010
Type of document: Projects
Last update: September 2022
Project state: Ended
Commissione Europea
TWIN - Tele Working for the Impaired Networked centres evaluation
Partners: Seven Organisations and Institutes from five European Countries (Italy, United Kingdom, Ireland, Greece and Finland) have taken part in the TWIN Project: Telecom Italia Lab, Fondazione Don Carlo..
Abstract: Started in January 1994 and concluded in June 1995, TWIN is one of the 43 projects launched by the European Commission within the DG XIII programme Telework Stimulation. TELEWORK STIMULATION..
Year of publication: 1994
Type of document: Projects
Last update: September 2022
Project state: Ended
Commissione Europea
EnrichMe - ENabling Robot and assisted living environment for Independent Care and Health Monitoring of the Elderly
Partners: Elettronica Bio Medicale, Italy (Capofila), University of Lincoln, UK, Kontor 46 s.a.s, Italy, Robosoft, France, Armines, France, Smart Home, Holland, Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi Onlus, Italy,..
Abstract: Funded by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 programme PHC-19-2014, the Enrichme project aims to create and test a robotic system, connected with home automation systems, able to..
Year of publication: 2015
Type of document: Projects
Last update: June 2023
Project state: Ended
Commissione Europea
ETNA - European Thematic Network on Assistive Information and Communication Technologies
Partners: Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi Onlus, Milano, Italia (project leader), Institut Der Deutschen Wirtschaft Koeln E.V., Colonia, Germania, Association for the Advancement of Assistive Technology in..
Abstract: The Thematic Network ETNA (European Thematic Network on Assistive Information and Communication Technologies) is an international project, funded by the European Commission, within the strategic..
Year of publication: 2011
Type of document: Projects
Last update: September 2022
Project state: Ended
Commissione Europea
SRS - Multi-role shadow robotic system for independent living
Partners: Cardiff University, Manufacturing Engineering Centre (MEC), Cardiff, Regno Unito (capofila), Bulgarian Academy of Sciences The Central Laboratory of Mechatronics and Instrumentation, Sofia,..
Abstract: Project funded by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme-ICT-2009-4. The project “Multi-Role Shadow Robotic System for Independent Living (SRS)” focuses on the development and..
Year of publication: 2010
Type of document: Projects
Last update: September 2022
Project state: Ended
Fondazione CARIPLO
Partners: WeMake Milano, Politecnico di Milano, dipartimento design, Fondazione Don Gnocchi Onlus, Milano, Arduini Design, Fondazione Asphi onlus, Cooperativa Spazio Vita Niguarda, Milano
Abstract: Research project aimed at creating a “grippos” platform, through which the disabled user can create, using a 3D printer, customized aids for the needs of daily life. In the experimentation phase,..
Year of publication: 2018
Type of document: Projects
Last update: September 2022
Project state: Ended
Ministero del Lavoro, della Salute, delle Politiche Sociali
Disabilità e Lavoro - Methodological approach for the designing and making safe of worksites and daily living environments for people with disabilities based on Risk Analisys
Partners: Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi Onlus, Milano (capofila)
Abstract: Project financed by the Ministry of Labour, Health and Social Policy within the Directorate General for the Protection of Working Conditions. If working tasks are carried out in inadequate..
Year of publication: 2007
Type of document: Projects
Last update: September 2022
Project state: Ended
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