Portale SIVA sulle tecnologie per la disabilità e l'autonomia Portale SIVA sulle tecnologie per la disabilità e l'autonomia Don Carlo Gnocchi Onlus Foundation

RFSU - OPTIMA 5 80303005

RFSU - OPTIMA 5 80303005
Hinged rails and arm supports (ISO 18.18.11)
Foldable supporting armrests (SIVA 18.18.11.S01)
Record number: 11611
Last update: May 2015
Insert date: February 1997
Brand: RFSU
Model: OPTIMA 5 80303005
Technical details:
Tip up.
Available sizes:
Length (cm): 71.
Weight (kg): 3.20.
(text automatically translated from Italian) It comes fixed to wall with of the lives and is foldable. ***E' characterized from a system that allows it to be blocked when it is in the erected position, for therefore being used like handrail in vertical position.
Phone: +46-86334700
E-mail: info@etac.se
Web site: http://www.etac.com
Primary supplier for Italy:
Phone: +46-86334700
E-mail: info@etac.se
Web site: http://www.etac.com

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