Portale SIVA sulle tecnologie per la disabilità e l'autonomia Portale SIVA sulle tecnologie per la disabilità e l'autonomia Don Carlo Gnocchi Onlus Foundation

RFSU - HANDY 80504001

RFSU - HANDY 80504001
Grip adapters and attachments (ISO 24.18.06)
Grip adapters (SIVA 24.18.06.S01)
Record number: 11639
Last update: May 2015
Insert date: February 1997
Brand: RFSU
Model: HANDY 80504001
(text automatically translated from Italian) ***E' a shape grip handel oval that allows to seize grip handles for being unscrewed. Its inner structure allows to open nearly all the types of tap with handle to four tips.
Phone: +46-86334700
E-mail: info@etac.se
Web site: http://www.etac.com
Primary supplier for Italy:
Phone: +46-86334700
E-mail: info@etac.se
Web site: http://www.etac.com

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