Portale SIVA sulle tecnologie per la disabilità e l'autonomia Portale SIVA sulle tecnologie per la disabilità e l'autonomia Don Carlo Gnocchi Onlus Foundation

MEYRA - MCWET 8013039 - 8013041 - 8013040

MEYRA - MCWET 8013039 - 8013041 - 8013040
Shower chairs with and without wheels (ISO 09.33.07)
Chairs for shower with wheels (SIVA 09.33.07.S06)
Record number: 13035
Last update: June 2015
Brand: MEYRA
Model: MCWET 8013039 - 8013041 - 8013040
(text automatically translated from Italian) The frame, included the armrests and the legs-rester is in resistant aluminum to the corrosion All the elements of splice like lives, ***rivetti and rosettes are in inox steel. In the version 8013040 (adjustable wheels from 5 ") to the posterior pivoting wheels can be blocked to the brake and the direction. In case of I use on sale of normally available sanitary container.
Phone: +49-57339220
E-mail: info@meyra-ortopedia.de
Web site: http://www.meyra.de
Primary supplier for Italy:
Phone: +39-054646870
E-mail: comunicazione@medimec.it
Web site: http://www.medimec.it
Italian provinces with self-declared local suppliers:

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