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- 6/20/2013 - 2013 Postgraduate Course on Assistive Technologies: the educational material is available for download
- 9/26/2012 - European Position Paper on Assistive Technology Service Delivery
- 9/3/2012 - Summary of the Italian regulatory framework on assistive technology
- 7/3/2012 - Proceedings of the International Seminar on Assistive Technology Service Delivery (21-22/05/2012)
- 1/20/2012 - How to write down an individual assistive technology assessment report
- 9/15/2011 - Proceedings of the Eleventh AAATE International Conference (Maastricht 2011 31-8/2-9
- 5/11/2011 - ETNA Project: European Thematic Network on ICT assistive technology
- 4/21/2011 - Proceedings of the Course: The quality of care in nursing homes. Challenges and opportunities of new technologies for the monitoring of guests
- 6/1/2010 - The EASTIN Portal is available in all the official languages of the European Union
- 6/25/2009 - Disability and Work - Report of the research on worksite adaptations for for workers with disabilities